Our Story

Made Whole began in 2021 when God put a dream onto Tryton's heart to start a clothing brand. Tryton didn't know how to start the brand, so he put it off for a year. But God ignited the flame about the clothing brand again in 2022! After listening to God's voice on what to call the clothing brand, Tryton felt like Jesus wanted to call it Made Whole. From there the company started, and God has guided every single part of this company. Tryton is a man who loves Jesus and is obedient to the call of ministry on his life.

Made Whole Ministries

Hi there, my name is Tryton Sobonya and I am a youth Pastor in the state of Arizona. In 2020, I surrendered and gave my life to Jesus Christ, and my life has completely changed. I felt the call to ministry on my life in 2021 and from there I was praying and seeking where God wanted me. During my junior year in college, God called me to step out in faith and start a Christian Clothing brand. From there Made Whole Clothing started and has been growing since then.

When I started Made Whole Clothing, God really opened up my eyes and showed me where he wanted the company to go. From there we started Made Whole Ministries in 2024. The Ministry includes Made Whole Clothing, Made Whole Athletics, and Made Whole Music. You can read more about these parts of the ministry on our up and coming website.

The goal of Made Whole Clothing is to reach people with the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ, encouraging people to share their faith with others. Made Whole wants to create designs that express your faith, while using the clothing as an evangelizing tool to share Jesus with people. We should be sharing our faith at all times no matter where we are or what we are wearing. Made Whole Clothing wants Jesus to be known and people to have an intimate relationship with Jesus, the one true living God.

Thank you guys for your support and love. Let's go share with people that we have been Made Whole because of Christ.